pledge of allegiance

joining forces within the tarot

I think the Two of Cups is one of the most recognized cards in the entire Tarot deck. So many of us found ourselves exploring spirituality or divination because we were in a relationship, wanted to be in a relationship, or had just gotten out of one. Don’t tell the anti-love readers, but so many of the readings we conduct have to do with others, our relationship to them and the impact they have on us. But the Two of Cups isn’t only about love- it’s about connection.

When the Two of Cups appears in a reading, it can indicate a new romance, a happy couple, a creative partnership, or a budding friendship. Love comes in many forms, after all. But I think when we break this card down and I mean, really break it down, the Two of Cups talks about alliances. I think this card appears in a reading when we need to ally ourselves with others; when we need support or intimacy; or simply because we need someone to have our back.

ally: (v) the “combining or uniting of resources or commodities with another for mutual benefit.”

A romantic partner, a business arrangement, a creative partnership, a best friend.. all of these have the same thing in common- they’re creating necessary alliances amongst ourselves for some benefit or to meet some need. Sometimes the need is pragmatic (check for surrounding pentacles cards), or sexual (check for wands), or strategic (air influences), but sometimes they’re merely for community and kinship (more cups).


“reframing the Two of Cups as a Pledge of Allegiance lets us keep the card open and fluid.”


I’d like to quickly note the numerological influence of this card. In the Tarot, but especially the Minor Arcana, we can think of the numerology as a sliding scale. It lets us know how far along a process is, how intense it might be, how much further we have to go. Two’s are low on the numerological totem pole. It’s a number that is fresh and full of potential, but remains fluid, temporary and unestablished until we evolve further along into the suit. Using that logic, we can see how the Two of Cups can represent not only the beginning of a romance or partnership, but also the longevity of it. When we join forces with others, it could be for a lifetime or it could simply be a landline; a temporary alliance needed, by both parties, to meet their ends. Has your professor forced you into a group project? That’s the Two of Cups. Are you trying to increase the views on your channel by doing a collaboration? That’s the Two of Cups, as well.

This card has so much more life in it than we give it credit for and it can be stretched much farther if we dare to give it a new name: A Pledge of Allegiance. An agreement, an alliance, a partner and co-pilot in life, in adventure, in adversity, or in amore. How long it lasts, what purpose it serves, or how far it goes depends entirely on an immeasurable number of internal and external factors (also known as the surrounding cards). But reframing the Two of Cups as a Pledge of Allegiance lets us keep the card open and fluid; full of potential and free of limitations of its classic interpretation.

What do you think about this card? What’s the most recent alliance you made?


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