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The wild and wonderful musings of a mystical misfit.

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let’s explore

 intuition / experimentation / creativity

a million ways to die
Lauren Bee Lauren Bee

a million ways to die

Let’s take another look at the Death card. Our eye naturally follows the Grim Reaper, armored up, impervious to our desire to hold onto what we have. It appears as if he even has a smirk on his face- amused at our futile attempt to negotiate a different ending.

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the wisdom of the queens
Erica Hartwick Erica Hartwick

the wisdom of the queens

Each Queen in the Tarot has her own source of wisdom and experience. It is often said that to become the Empress, one must embody the energies of all four Queens.

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the power of the tower
Erica Hartwick Erica Hartwick

the power of the tower

In my estimation, the Tower does not only speak to shaky foundations, but additionally, a lack of oversight. Our passions, our projects, and our personal relationships require consistent supervision, revision, and review.

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solar powered
Erica Hartwick Erica Hartwick

solar powered

We could argue that the Sun upright indicated the consumption of energy, like a plant absorbing the sun for the process of photosynthesis.

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pledge of allegiance
Erica Hartwick Erica Hartwick

pledge of allegiance

Reframing the Two of Cups as a Pledge of Allegiance lets us keep the card open and fluid; full of potential and free of limitations of its classic interpretation.

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old money and gender roles
Erica Hartwick Erica Hartwick

old money and gender roles

The Ten of Pentacles is often called the card of inheritance. It represents generational wealth, firm foundations, privilege, and what we create for future generations or inherit from previous ones.

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