the wisdom of the queens
Exploring the wisdom of the queens
Each Queen in the Tarot has her own source of wisdom and experience. It is often said that to become the Empress, one must embody the energies of all four Queens. I would argue that to become the High Priestess, one must understand how intuition speaks through all four Queens, as well.
The Queen of Cups accesses her intuition in a similar manner to the High Priestess. She works with the wisdom of the water, using her emotions to feel out the subtleties of the spirit. The Queen of Pentacles, on the other hand, channels her intuition through her physical body and her connection to the Earth. The Queen of Wands recognizes her intuition through what catches her attention, inspires her or calls her to action- being intensely led by the ethers. And the Queen of Swords identifies her intuitive voice through what feels clear, aligned and sensical.
Do you want to tap into the intuitive wisdom of these Queens?
Try this exercise:
Shuffle your deck
Spread out your cards.
Find the Queen of Cups
Look at the cards to the Left and the Right of the Queen
The card on the LEFT represents: How you’re currently harnessing your intuition within this element.
The card on the RIGHT represents: How the Queen suggests you operate intuitively within this area.
Example: (L) Six of Pentacles; (R) Judgment - You may be utilizing your water wisdom to determine when those around you need emotional support or compassion. The Queen of Cups suggests you listen to your emotions when they provoke a strong response and allow them to inform new choices (which can offer a rebirth).
Repeat this exercise for all four Queens and allow them to mentor you through mastering their element and intuitive expertise. Remember, tarot is an interpretive artform. Allow yourself to mold and play with the energy of your pulls. Write them down, reflect on them later and give the Queens time to reveal their mystery to you. And don’t forget, you can always pull again for extra credit!
“I love this exercise! “ - Deb Z.